Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

How Long Do We Wait?

Pastor Kevin for Bayview Church gives pastoral thoughts on waiting in the midst of quarantine.

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

Best Commentaries

Looking for the best commentary for a book of the Bible? Here are a list of resources that will help you choose the one(s) best for your study.

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

The Heart of Christ

No eye has seen, no ear has heard the depth of Christ's love for us. Like Moses, we get a brief glimpse that is far beyond our understanding. I'm learning the reality of this more and more each day as I read a book that focuses on the love of Christ entitled, Gentle and Lowly.

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

A Pastoral Call to Civil Obedience

In the rolling tide of differences and disagreements, churches find themselves asking the question: “How should we wade through these trying times? Should we comply with our governor? Or must we civilly disobey the governor’s directives to ‘stay at home’ and not worship in person?“ Pastor Kevin Elwell from Bayview Church answers this question for his congregation in his recent letter to his local church.

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

God Is in the Car

How do we know the next step in our lives? We can trust the One who is in the car with us.

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

Christ & Culture

How should Christians live in the world around them? Dr. Richard helps us understand the different approaches Christians have taken throughout the centuries.

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

Christian Decision-Making

Life is filled with decisions. The Bible may not answer every specific question we may have. But it does leave us with overall principles to live by. Here is a helpful flow chart for Christian decision-making.

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Ethics JJ Ethics JJ

Look & Mourn: A Christian’s Response to Racism

A Christian’s Response to Racism: “Racism is a great sin in our country. We see in the news and in our history books, the devastation racism has caused. And we see from Scripture the terrible wrath and judgment to come for this great evil. This should be enough to cause us as the Church to weep.”

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

Dying to Self

The concept of "dying to self" seems ominous, but it’s actually life-giving.

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Mel Hennegan Mel Hennegan

Trials Are Productive

Is there meaning in our trials? Is God really in control? Here are words of hope in what God is doing.

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