“Only one life 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.”

About SEND Network

SEND Network is a church planting organization that is affiliated with the North American Mission Board (NAMB). They are committed to the multiplication of churches through both church revitalization and church planting efforts. Their goal is to reach communities with the gospel and they believe that church planting is a ministry that should involve the entire Church, not just individual church planters. SEND Network is made up of churches and church planters who are working together to plant churches in a variety of locations. They are passionate about their mission and believe that it is an important part of the work of the Church.

About Pillar Network

The Pillar Network is a community of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and International Baptist churches that are aligned in their doctrine, missionally driven, and committed to equipping, planting, and revitalizing churches together. The key elements that define a Pillar church include a commitment to gospel proclamation, submission to the Bible as the final authority, promotion of live expository preaching, leadership by male elders or pastors, a focus on kingdom multiplication through church planting and revitalization, and cooperation as Great Commission Baptists and International Baptists to fulfill the Great Commission. The Pillar Network is focused on building strong, healthy, and missionally effective churches.