Advancing the Gospel
God is calling the Hennegan family to plant an Evangelical, Gospel-Centered Church in Guam.
Prayer is not the thing we do before we get to the work of the ministry. Prayer is the work of the ministry. Partner with us in prayer for this work that God has already been doing. . . Learn More
We invite you to participate in advancing the gospel through this needful work of building a gospel-centered church on the island of Guam. . . . Learn more
Are you called to plant with us? We’d love to prayerfully consider your partnership with us in the launching of this church. . . . Learn More
Who are the Hennegans?
Mel Hennegan belongs to Resurrection Church in Burnsville, Minnesota, where he serves as a Church Planter and Missionary in Residence. He was born and raised on the island of Guam, where he also worked as a youth pastor at Bayview Church. In addition to his ministry work, Mel is currently involved in training and raising support through SEND Network and Pillar Network.
Rachel Hennegan is originally from Laingsburg, Michigan, where she grew up as a pastor's kid. She is currently working on a counseling certification through Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). Rachel and Mel have two children, Aria and Judah.
Our family is burdened to come back to Guam, where I was born and raised, to plant a healthy church. After being in a well-established ministry for almost 5 years, God has aligned an equipping opportunity to allow our family to prepare for Guam in a very strategic way.
We have an oppurtunity to work with an awesome church that was just revitalized by SEND Network. While in the area of Minneapolis-St. Paul, we will be training and raising support.