Does God Overlook Idolatry? // Acts 17:30–31
For those who have repented and trusted in Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection, this future judgment is cause for rejoicing!...
Beware of “Do's and Don'ts” Christianity // Isaiah 29:13–14
It is easy to just go through the motions of the Christian life. Many times we have Pharisaical hearts. We need to remember the wonders that God has done to shock us out of our unthinking worship habits…
Weight of Sinfulness // Psalm 86:15
The rehearsal of God's goodness, mercy, patience, faithful love, and truth in this verse again prompts prayer in the verses that follow (86:16-17). David asks the Lord in 86:16 to turn to him and be gracious to him (cf. 86:3), to give him strength, and to cause salvation for him.
True Fellowship // 2 Corinthians 13:13
Christians have a relationship with God and their spiritual family members through the Holy Spirit. True fellowship happens among us in the church since the Spirit enables us to walk together in love.
The Good Creator // Genesis 1:31
When we look around at the created world, we should respond with a sense of awe and worship the good Creator. Psalm 33:6-9 urges us to fear the Lord and stand in awe of him for what he has spoken into existence.
Kristen Mulnix is an author and member of Resurrection Church – the sending church of Gospel Life, a future church plant on the Island of Gaum (Fall 2023). Our desire is to build healthy churches in Guam.
Orphan Sunday
God is Father to the fatherless. As believers we are called to take care of the widow and orphan as well.
The Road to Exaltation // Philippians 2:10–11
The road to Christ’s exaltation was through the road of humility. Christ humbly obeyed his Father. And the Father joyfully exulted his Son to his rightful place.
Divine Humility // Philippians 2:8–9
Marvel at the humility of Christ. He was God. Yet he humbled himself to become not only a human being–but the servant and loving sacrifice for all!
Have this Mind In You // Philippians 2:5–7
Imitate the attitude of Christ. One not seeking his rights. But one having humility. .
Love for the World vs. Love for God // 1 John 2:15–17
The cravings of this world will pass away. But good desires that please God have eternal weight and impact.
No Condemnation // Romans 8:1
Some of the most beautiful words in Scripture: There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
True Worship // Romans 12:1–2
What is true worship? Coming to the realization of what God has done for you and it deeply affects your mind, body, and soul. It means behaving and thinking in ways that please God.
God’s Ways Transcends My Ways // Romans 11:33–36
God’s thoughts are higher than my thoughts. God’s ways are more wise than my ways. God’s riches transcend all my resources.
He created all things. He empowers all things. He works all things for his honor and glory.
Love Transcends Rejection // John 1:12–13
Love transcends rejection. Although the world rejected its Creator, Christ’s unfailing love and faithfulness sought to bring rebirth, renewal, and restoration for them. Belief and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior lead to renewal and restoration.
“For Your Own Good“ // Deuteronomy 10:12–13
God requires you to obey. . . “for your own good.“ Obedience takes different postures:
Fearing God
Living to please God
Loving God
Serving God
The Reason Why God Loves You // Deuteronomy 7:9
God does not love me for who I am or what I’ve done. He loves me because he chose to and promises to love me to the end. As a child of God, I must seek to understand that (1) God is God and (2) he is faithful to his covenant.
Dare to Hope // Lamentations 3
Dare to hope. God is faithful and good. Therefore I will hope in him through waiting quietly and submitting to his will in hardship.
The Guam Blessing
Just a month prior to Guam’s lockdown, our young people from various Christian churches gathered together to worship and declare that Jesus is Lord. As our world continues to face many challenges in 2020, we come together again, with hearts full of hope and united in one voice to proclaim God’s healing and blessing over the islands of Micronesia and the world.